These 10 Happiness Habits Can Change Your Life

Gratitude Rewires Your Brain 

Regular gratitude practice can enhance brain chemistry by enhancing neural circuits linked to happiness and decreasing those linked to negativity.  


Practice Mimics Antidepressants 

Regular exercise has been found to have a brain-wide impact similar to that of antidepressants, naturally elevating serotonin levels.  


Good Relationships Increase Lifespan

Research shows that strong social ties can extend life span, while loneliness can be as harmful as daily smoking.  


Mindfulness Reduces Your Amygdala 

Mindfulness practice can reduce stress by reducing the size of the amygdala, the fear center in the brain.  


Setting & Achieving a Goal 

Dopamine, a "feel-good" hormone, is released upon reaching a goal, promoting persistence after achieving it.  


Self-Compassion Lowers Cortisol 

Being nice to yourself reduces the stress-causing hormone cortisol, thereby promoting a sense of ease.  


Negativity Bias Is Natural But Reversible  

The human brain's tendency to focus on negative events can be countered by incorporating positive behaviors.  


Following Your Passions Promotes Flow State 

Engaging in enjoyable and attention-grabbing hobbies can lead to a "flow state," promoting creativity and overall well-being.  


Sleep Deprivation Mimics Mental Illness 

Prolonged sleep deprivation can cause symptoms that resemble anxiety and sadness, emphasizing how important it is to prioritize relaxation.


Kind Conduct Boost the immune system 

Besides improving your mood, giving back to others boosts your immunity and increases your resistance to disease.